my toddler is kind of like a “walker”

Albeit later than the rest of the human race, I’ve recently become preoccupied with The Walking Dead. I never thought of myself as one who would enjoy a zombie flick, let alone watch one religiously, but yes, you can count me among the 16 million fans. Continue reading

mindfulness for the holidays


As we approached this holiday season, our family decided that we wanted to be more mindful of the true meaning of the holiday spirit and for us that means: Love, laughter, togetherness, gratitude, giving and celebration of life (and those we have lost).

We decided to do a few things differently… Continue reading

it’s okay to be okay


As moms and dads, of course we want the best for our kids. We want to be the best parent and provide the best learning experiences and the best fun and the best food and we want them to have the best friends and read the best books and be the best. We want our kids to have the best. lives. ever. Continue reading

it’s their journey


While enjoying a day at the Indianapolis Museum of Art, we stumbled across a thought-provoking outdoor exhibit called NOTICE: A Flock of Signs in the 100 Acres. The barrage of signs are described as ‘deliberately perplex, misdirect, and even contradictory.’ Well, that sounds a whole lot like life, don’t you think? Continue reading

parenting mindfully

buddhism for mothers

Have you read one parenting book after another yet feel overwhelmed with advice on discipline, potty training, sleep routines and food regimens? So many times the challenge with the books available to us is that they assume that we, as the moms, are wholly prepared to implement the advice given. But how can we be when we are tired, frustrated, overwhelmed, and unsure and cannot find a single moment of calm in our minds?

Sarah Napthali has found a much-needed niche in Buddhism for Mothers. Rather than add another parenting manual to the shelves, Continue reading

will you or won’t you?


I don’t ever want to be a vegetable. I’m not ready to die. I certainly don’t want to lose my husband. Honestly, I don’t even want to ever think about such things. Imagining any of them is too painful and it’s much easier if I don’t. Until I think about what would happen if I didn’t. And so I do… Continue reading