does what you control matter? does it matter what you control?


If you were shown the picture above and asked where it is that you spend the majority of your time, where would you point? Continue reading

pods, luminaries and life is good

While I was not asked to write or paid to write this blog post, it does contain affiliate links. All posts via intentionista will contain honest thoughts on all topics. 

Have you ever thought to your self, “Now that’s the business I would have started if I would have started a business?” Between my husband and I (with thanks to our weekly wine nights), we have at least a hundred of them. When we dream about business ideas, they seem to fall into three categories…first, there’s the business you came up with only to find out someone else already started it… For example, when we first started dating, David got really excited about this idea he had for a portable storage unit. The poor guy was absolutely crushed to see this in front of someone’s house… Continue reading

after all, a watch is just a watch


I was inspired by something my husband said the other day. Someone at work asked him why he still wears a watch. In the day of smartphones, it seems that watch-wearing is dwindling. His response was that he wanted to stay present for those around him. (Have I mentioned how much I love this man?) There are many things I love about this concept of using a watch to stay present but what struck me most was how the word watch can be used as a noun (wristwatch, stopwatch, pocket-watch) or a verb (to view or observe in order to see or learn something; to view with interest; to contemplate or regard mentally)…

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September 11, 2001


In remembrance of the September 11th attacks, I am posting a speech I was asked to give as the student response to the Purdue University community. It’s hard to believe that was twelve years ago. I will never forget being my sister staying up all night, helping me to desperately find the right words. I’m not sure what I would have done without her and my husband (boyfriend at the time), sharing their insights and ideas which shaped the text below.  I remember being terrified to go on stage, thinking that there may be a hundred or maybe two hundred in attendance. Imagine what happened when I learned there were 6,000 faces out there (not to mention the television and radio audience). Yes…I puked.  And I remember a voice in my head saying that my feelings and anxiety were incomparable to those directly affected by the attacks. I remember thinking, “this is not about me,” and experiencing a sense of calm as I took the stage. Each year on this day, I dig this out to remember and reflect, to honor those lost and those left and to hope for better in our children’s futures.

Text of speech by Purdue student Erin Taylor, student leader, to those attending the National Day of Prayer and Remembrance memorial service Friday (9/14) at the Elliott Hall of Music on the West Lafayette campus… Continue reading

seeking approval or avoiding disapproval?

I am who I am photo

Conflict used to be a terrifying topic for this reformed people-pleaser. For decades, I was driven by a strong need for approval and always thought that it was the right way, perhaps the only way, for me to be. After all, what’s there not to like about pleasing others? Continue reading