my toddler is kind of like a “walker”

Albeit later than the rest of the human race, I’ve recently become preoccupied with The Walking Dead. I never thought of myself as one who would enjoy a zombie flick, let alone watch one religiously, but yes, you can count me among the 16 million fans. Continue reading

and giving a nod, up the chimney he rose! (maybe)


This year is the year that we almost blew Santa’s cover. On Christmas Eve, our eight year old began to ask some emotionally charged questions about whether or not Santa is real. Continue reading

parenting mindfully

buddhism for mothers

Have you read one parenting book after another yet feel overwhelmed with advice on discipline, potty training, sleep routines and food regimens? So many times the challenge with the books available to us is that they assume that we, as the moms, are wholly prepared to implement the advice given. But how can we be when we are tired, frustrated, overwhelmed, and unsure and cannot find a single moment of calm in our minds?

Sarah Napthali has found a much-needed niche in Buddhism for Mothers. Rather than add another parenting manual to the shelves, Continue reading